Community pharmacist intervention service for chronic patients with long-term medications in japan: a result of one year follow up survey
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS-003
- By: AKAZAWA, Manabu (Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Kiyose, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Manabu Akazawa
Akiko Mikami - Abstract:
A community pharmacist intervention service has been provided across Japan since May 2015.Purpose
A mail survey was conducted to evaluate its effectiveness after one year of follow-up.Methods
Pharmacists selected chronic patients who might have potential problems related to their long-term medications including drug use, anxiety of.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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Last update 28 September 2023