Evidence-based pharmacogenetic guidelines in the netherlands
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-SAPS-011
- By: CHEUNG, Ka-Chun (Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association, Medicine Information Centre, DEN HAAG, Netherlands)
- Co-author(s): Ka-Chun Cheung:
Marga Nijenhuis: Medicine Information Centre, Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association, DEN HAAG, Netherlands
Mandy Crommentuijn – van Rhenen: Medicine Information Centre, Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association, DEN HAAG, Netherlands
Inge Holsappel: Medicine Information Centre, Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association, DEN HAAG, Netherlands - Abstract:
Scientific studies have shown that genetic variation in genes encoding drug transporters and drug metabolic enzymes affects drug disposition leading to under-dosing or overdosing in individuals. Therefore, application of pharmacogenetics may improve both drug safety and efficacy.
In 2005 the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association
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