A study for drugs with increased risk for worse clinical outcomes in elderly patients receiving multi-drug therapy
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-HPS-095
- By: NISHIDA, Shohei (Gifu University Hospital, Pharmacy, Gifu, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Shohei Nishida: Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, Gifu, Japan
Akio Suzuki: Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, Gifu, Japan
Yuichi Hayashi: Neurology and Geriatrics, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, Gifu, Japan
Ryo Kobayashi: Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, Gifu, Japan
Takashi Inuzuka: Neurology and Geriatrics, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, Gifu, Japan
Yoshinori Itoh: Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, Gifu, Japan - Abstract:
Elderly patients are considered to be a risk of developing adverse drug reactions (ADRs), because they tend to receive multi-drug therapy and reveal a change in the pharmacokinetic function with age.
In this study, we assessed the relationship between the number of prescribed drugs and the incidence of ADRs or the duration of
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