Promoting professionals engagement to decision support knowledge
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-HPS-110
- By: PINTO, Joana (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, CEDIME, Lisboa, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Joana Pinto:
Anabela Silva: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Ana Tavares: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Catarina Garcia: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Rita Gonçalves: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Joana Nunes: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
António Salvador: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal - Abstract:
Exposure to potential drug-drug interactions (DDI) can cause preventable patient harm. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) containing information about drug interactions are considered useful in DDI detection (Coleman et. al 2013). However, evaluations of CDSS implementations have demonstrated suboptimal efficacy due to user
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