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Retinoic acid activity on mamalian embryo in organ culture and evaluation of hazard and risk in correlation studies between molecular descriptors and admet parameters in a series of x-category drugs

  • In: Posters C - Drug Design and Discovery
  • At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: PC-006
  • By: JADRIJEVIC-MLADAR TAKAC, Milena (Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Department of Medicinal chemistry, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Co-author(s): Crnek-Kunstelj, Vesna (Medical School Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
    Barbaric, Monika (Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
    Takac, Vedran (Health Institution Stefanic Pharmacies, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Abstract:

    The results of our previous work on mammalian embryo-derived teratomas in organ culture treated with either retinoic acid (RA, c = 10-5 mol/L) or neural growth factor (NGF, 100 ng/mL) showed no influence on neural tissue differentiation. On the contrary the combination of RA and NGF influenced neural tissue differentiation (100%) and inhibition of ..

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Last update 28 September 2023

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