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Simvastatin-loaded chitosan nanocapsules for an innovative administration of statins

  • In: Posters D - Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology
  • At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: PD-078
  • By: SONVICO, Fabio (University of Technology Sydney, Graduate School of Health - Pharmacy, Ultimo, Australia)
  • Co-author(s): Garrastazu, Gabriela (University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Australia)
    Batger, Mellissa (University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Australia)
  • Abstract:

    I. Background
    Statins when given orally undergo extensive hepatic metabolism leading to low bioavailability
    II. Aim
    The purpose of the present study was to prepare and evaluate physico-chemical properties of simvastatin-loaded nanoparticles suitable to oral and trans-mucosal delivery in view of an improved bioavailability
    III. Methods
    Chitosan and ..

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Last update 28 September 2023

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