Photodegradation of oseltamivir (tamiflutm) in aqueous solution
- In: Posters F - Pharmacoepidemiology and Health Technology Assessment
- At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PF-025
- By: BRAUND, Rhiannon (University of Otago, School of Pharmacy, Dunedin, New Zealand)
- Co-author(s): Tong, Alfred (University of Otago, School of Pharmacy, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Tan, Eng (University of Otago, Chemistry Department, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Tremblay, Louis (Cawthorn Institute, Nelson, New Zealand)
Stringer, Tristan (Cawthorn Institute, Nelson, New Zealand)
Peake, Barrie (University of Otago, Chemistry Department, Dunedin, New Zealand) - Abstract:
Background: Significant quantities of oseltamivir have been stockpiled by many countries around the world in anticipation of pandemics associated with outbreaks of bird 'flu (2004) and swine 'flu (2009). Much of this pharmaceutical material stored in 2004 was due to expire by 2010 according to data provided by the manufacturer (Roche..
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