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How to optimize medicine and healthcare products information processing though the construction of an intelligent platform
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-HMIS-023
- By: PINTO, Joana (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, CEDIME, Lisboa, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Joana Pinto: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Amadeu Mendes: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
António Salvador: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Lídia Franco: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Mafalda Castro: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Paula Tavares: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal
Rodrigo Cardana: SPSI, Farminveste, Lisboa, Portugal
Sílvia Rafael: CEDIME, Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal - Abstract:
Medicine and Healthcare products Information is often managed with multiple processes functioning in a disconnected manner. This heterogeneity may affect data quality, and consequently data analysis and decision-making, either clinical, economical or marketing.
As a paradigm shift, information flows must be reorganized, streamlined and
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