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The role of a pharmacist arranged to a home clinic
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS-059
- By: IMAJO, Hirofumi (Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic, kamakura-shi, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Hirofumi Imajo:
Kazutaka Imai: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Kazuhiro Hisajima: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Honami Talman-Teramoto: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Yoshihiko Kagawa: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Haruko Chiba: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Yukihiro Soga: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Keigo Yasukawa: Dr.GON Kamakura Clinic , kamakura-shi, Japan
Hirohara Masayoshi: Showa Pharmaceutical University, Machida-shi, Japan
Kazuki Kushida: Showa Pharmaceutical University, Machida-shi, Japan - Abstract:
Japan is an aged society. Therefore, home care is promoted. In home care, it is difficult for a doctor to take care of everything by himself. Healthcare quality and safety can be improved by performing the team medical care. We arranged a pharmacist at our clinic from April 2015. Clinic pharmacist has an important role to facilitate.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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