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“community pharmacy clerkship league” in taichung city, made diversified, abundant, complete experience program.
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS-057
- By: LIN, Chien-Huang (Taiwan Pharmacist Association/Taichung City Pharmacist Associatio/Bellypharmacy, Taichung City ,, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Chien-Huang Lin:
Jen-Chieh Wang: Taiwan Pharmacist Association/Taichung City Pharmacist Associatio/Bellypharmacy, Taichung City , Taiwan, Province of China
Shu-Chuan Huang: Taiwan Pharmacist Association/Taichung City Pharmacist Associatio/Bellypharmacy, Taichung City , Taiwan, Province of China
Pei-Wen Yu: Taiwan Pharmacist Association/Taichung City Pharmacist Associatio/Bellypharmacy, Taichung City , Taiwan, Province of China - Abstract:
In the past, the pharmacy clerkship has focused on the practice in hospital in Taiwan.The community pharmacy clerkship has always been one-preceptor model. Therefore, pharmacy clerks only gain information fragments from one preceptor, but not the comprehensive knowledge or skills in community pharmacy.Purpose
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