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Cytotoxic properties of the leaf essential oils of two amazon guatteria species
- In: Posters E - Natural Products
- At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PE-001
- By: BEZERRA, Daniel (Funda, Centro de Pesquisas Gon, Salvador, Brazil)
- Co-author(s): Ferraz, Rosana (Funda, Salvador, Brazil)
Bomfim, Diogo (Funda, Salvador, Brazil)
Coelho de Carvalho, Nanashara (Funda, Salvador, Brazil)
Soares, Milena (Funda, Salvador, Brazil)
Pinheiro, Maria (Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil)
Costa, Emmanoel (Universidade Federal de Sergipe, S, Brazil) - Abstract:
Background information: Guatteria blepharophylla Mart. (synonym Guatteriopsis blepharophylla Mart.) and Guatteria hispida (R.E. Fr.) Erkens & Maas (synonym Guatteriopsis hispida R.E. Fr.) belong to the Annonaceae family and are found in the Brazilian and Colombian Amazon basin. Both species are popularly known as [quotright]envira[quotrightB]or..
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