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Prediction of oral absorption of cinnarizine under fasted and fed state conditions
- In: Posters G - Pharmacokinetics (PK), Pharmacodynamics (PD) and Systems Pharmacology
- At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PG-024
- By: BERLIN, Mark (Goethe University, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Frankfurt am main, Germany)
- Co-author(s): Przyklenk, Karl-Heinz (Hennig Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, Fl, Germany)
Dressman, Jennifer (Goethe University, Frankfurt am main, Germany) - Abstract:
I. Background
Cinnarizine is a poorly soluble weak base, which exhibits a positive food effect and under fasting conditions is suspected to display supersaturation and precipitation in the GI tract.
II. Aims
The aim of this study was to predict the oral absorption of a marketed cinnarizine tablet under fasted and fed state conditions by coupling.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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