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Development of pegylated adenovirus vector containing targeting ligand on the tip of peg chain
- In: SYMPOSIUM: NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR DRUG DELIVERY on Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 10:30-12:00
- At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
- Type: Presentation
- By: NAKAGAWA, Shinsaku (Osaka University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka, Japan)
- Abstract:
PEGylation, the covalent attachment of activated monomethoxy polyethylene glycol (PEG) to free lysine groups on the surface of an adenovirus vector (Ad) is an attractive strategy in gene therapy. Many types of PEGylated Ad (PEG-Ad), which exhibit antibody evasion activity and long plasma half-life, have been developed. However, their entry into..
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