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Enhanced lymphatic exposure of a chemotherapeutic drug with pegylated, nano-sized drug vectors

  • In: SUBMITTED ORALS on Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 16:00-17:30
  • At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
  • Type: Presentation
  • By: RYAN, Gemma (Monash University, Pharmaceutics, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Co-author(s): Kaminskas, Lisa (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
    Bulitta, J (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
    Michelle, Mcintosh (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
    Owen, David (Starpharma Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia)
    Porter, Chris (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Abstract:

    I. Background: The treatment of lymph-resident cancers presents a challenge, since small molecule chemotherapeutic drugs typically have limited lymphatic access. Nano-sized drug carriers can improve lymphatic drug targeting, although to this point, it is not known which drug carriers optimally increase lymphatic exposure.
    II. Aims: To assess the..

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Last update 28 September 2023

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