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Enhanced local delivery of topical anaesthetics
- In: DDA SUBMITTED ORALS on Wednesday, 16 April 2014, 14:30-15:30
- At: PSWC, Melbourne (Australia) (2014)
- Type: Presentation
- By: RAPHAEL, Anthony (The University of Queensland, Dermatology Research Centre, Woolloongabba, Australia)
- Co-author(s): Payne, Elizabeth (The University of Queensland, Woolloongabba, Australia)
Prow, Tarl (The University of Queensland, Woolloongabba, Australia) - Abstract:
Background: Delivery of therapeutic and cosmetic agents into skin is hindered by the epidermal barriers. We have recently developed a novel approach using elongated microparticles that can be mixed or coated with the drug of interest and massaged onto the skin. Data from pig and volunteer studies have shown that the microparticles successfully..
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