Advancing the role of pharmacy technicians in the Canadian pharmacy workforce
- In: CPS 6: Other - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS6-P-031
- By: COOPER, Janet (Canadian Pharmacists Association, Ottawa, Canada)
- Co-author(s): Blackburn, Jim (Blackburn & Associates, Canada)
Doherty, Cristiane (Vision Research Inc., Canada)
Fedoruk, Candace (Vision Research Inc., Canada)
Gauthier, Bernard (Vision Research Inc., Canada)
Smith, Jennifer (JLS Management Consulting Inc., Canada)
Hall, Kevin (Moving Forward: Pharmacy Human Resources for the Future, Canada)
Martin, Fred (Moving Forward: Pharmacy Human Resources for the Future, Canada)
Austin, Zubin (Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada, Canada)
Fleming, Tim (Canadian Association of Pharmacy Technicians, Canada)
Gorecki, Dennis (Association of Deans of Pharmacy of Canada, Canada)
Joubert, Ray (National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities, Canada)
Kuras, Paul (Canadian Pharmacists Association, Ottawa, Canada)
Malek, Allan (Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, Canada)
Suveges, Linda (The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada, Canada)
Wou, Ken (Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Canada) - Abstract:
Pharmacists would agree that pharmacy technicians are an integral component of the pharmacy team. Canadian health care reforms are compelling pharmacists to take on new and expanded roles. Advancing the role of the pharmacy technician is one obvious strategy for supporting the changing role of the pharmacist in the delivery of health care. Any
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