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Hospital Pharmacy Section

About us and our objectives 

Our vision for hospital pharmacy is set out in the revised Basel Statements on the future of hospital pharmacy. This document contains consensus statements by hospital pharmacists from around the world that were initially developed at the inaugural FIP Global Conference on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy in Basel, Switzerland, in 2008. Find out more about the Basel Statements here. To take a self-assessment survey of your hospital's pharmacy services compared to the Basel Statements please go to

The FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section Strategic Plan 2022-2027 to implement this vision can be found here.


FIP HPS strategic goals:

• Support, facilitate and enable sharing of resources for hospital pharmacy

• Set standards for hospital pharmacy practice and workforce (Basel Statements) underpinned by patient safety

• Focus on individual FIP members and FIP member organizations in all activities

• Focus on global needs (affecting all countries independent of levels of hospital pharmacy practice) while highlighting best practices in hospital pharmacy

We undertake many activities within the framework of our objectives and vision.

Follow us and our activities on social media:   

How we work

The Hospital Pharmacy Section’s Executive Committee (ExCo) consists of:

President (2022-2026) Dr Ryan A. Forrey (USA)
Secretary (2021-2024) Dr Jonathan Penm (Australia) 
Assistant secretary (2021-2024) Ms Christina Cella (Canada)
Treasurer (2022-2026) Dr John B. Hertig (USA)
Immediate past president (2022-2026) Mr Robert Moss (Netherlands) 
Vice president - Africa (2022-2026) Mr Mujahid Valji (Tanzania)
Vice president - Western Pacific (2020-2024)  Ms Chun-Yu (Mary) Wang (China Taiwan) 
Vice president - Europe (2022-2026) Dr Josep M. Guiu-Segura (Spain)
Vice president - Japan (2022-2026) Prof. Yoshikazu Tasaki (Japan)
Vice president - The Americas (2022-2026) Dr Esteban Zavaleta (Costa Rica)
Vice president - Eastern Mediterranean  (2022-2026) Dr Waël Abi Ghanem (Lebanon)
Vice president - Southeast Asia (2020-2024) Ms Yulia Trisna (Indonesia)

2023-24 Hospital Pharmacy Section Executive Committee

Back row, left to right: Mike Stepanovic, Stephen Eckel, Yoshikazu Tasaki, Robert Moss, Josep Guiu-Segura, John Hertig
Front row, left to right: Mujahid Valji, Shania Liu, Chun-Yu (Mary) Wang, Jonathan Penm, Ryan Forrey

All members of the Hospital Pharmacy Section are eligible to be a member of the executive committee. All executive committee members are elected for four years and may be re-elected for one further four-year term. The president and the immediate past president normally only serve one four-year term.

Contact us at

Click to download the HPS statutes in a pdf.

The Hospital Pharmacy Section also runs the following committees:

Basel Statements promotion committee
Stephen Eckel (Chair, USA)
Michael Stepanovic (Vice Chair, USA)
Rob Moss (ExCo Liaison, Netherlands)
Emmanuel Obiri-Bakai (Ghana)
Jonathan Penm (Australia)
Josep M Guiu (Spain)
Marianne Ivey (USA)


Communications and digital committee
Shania Liu (Chair, Australia)
Katelyn Jauregui (Secretary, Australia)
Christina Cella (ExCo Liaison, Canada)
Jonathan Penm (Australia)
Louisa Sullivan (USA)
Seshnee Moodley (South Africa)
Josep M Guiu (Spain)


Finance committee 
John Hertig (Chair, USA)
James Stevenson (USA)
Jerry Siegel (USA)
Josep M Guiu (Spain)
Ryan Forrey (USA)
Tim Hanlon (New Zealand)


Research committee 
Laurel Legenza (Chair, USA)
Jonathan Penm (Vice Chair, Australia)
Régis Vaillancourt (Secretary, Canada)
Hanadi Al Sabban (Saudi Arabia)
Josep M Guiu (Spain)
Marianne Ivey (USA)
Noé Garin (Spain)
Raj Kumar Thapa (Nepal)
Rebekah Moles (Australia)
Robert Moss (Netherlands)
Solomon Okorie (Nigeria)
Stephen Eckel (USA)


Programme committee 
Amanda Cavness (Chair, USA)
Deepak Bhagwat (India)
Fakhr Alayoubi (Saudi Arabia)
Hanadi Al Sabban (Saudi Arabia)
Juliane Mayette (USA)
Karolina Cieslak (USA)
Lily Pham (Australia)
Martina Francis (Australia)
Valerie Chaffee (USA)
Vraj Patel (USA)
Yu-Chieh (Jack) Chen (China Taiwan)


Research grants

We are delighted to report the outcomes of our past research grants.

Dr Moteehat Olubukola Olu-Lawal (Nigeria) conducted research on “Pharmaceutical care interventions: A tool for building interprofessional collaboration in two public healthcare institutions in Osun State.” The findings of this research are available in the final report here.

Dr Shania Liu (Australia) developed the “Pharmacist-Partnered Preoperative Opioid Tapering Resource Package”. This document serves as a resource package to support opioid tapering before elective hip or knee replacement surgery. The full resource is available here.

Dr Titilayo Abidemi Onedo (Nigeria) conducted research on “Strengthening Hospital Pharmacy Practice In Nigeria Through The Adoption And Implementation Of The Revised (2014) FIP Basel Statements”. The findings of this research are available in the final report here.

Annual reports

The HPS 2023 annual report is available here.

The HPS annual reports for 2020, 2021 and 2022 are also available.

Last update 27 August 2024

FIP Congresses