Pharmacy-based disease management in Portugal: results of a pilot intervention - drug use profile
- In: Community Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P077
- By: COSTA, Suzete (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, PHARMACY-BASED DISEASE MANAGEMENT, Lisboa, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Ferreira (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal)
Mendes (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal)
Madeira (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal)
Santos (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal)
Santos (Associação Nacional das Farmácias, Lisboa, Portugal) - Abstract:
BACKGROUND AND AIMS In 2001, a pilot intervention took place in selected Portuguese pharmacies / patients, following the concepts of Disease Management and Pharmaceutical Care. The aim of this paper is to compare changes in drug use profiles (DUP) of patients. METHODS Evaluation of DUP of patients (baseline vs. last record). Descriptive and
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