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New media, traditional media: health education through the media

  • At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: POS-HMI-002
  • Co-author(s): Jesus Aguilar Santamaria: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Luis Amaro Cendon: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Rosa Lopez-Torres Hidalgo: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Carmen Recio Jaraba: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Almudena Gomez Martinez: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Victor Gil Rodriguez: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Carlos Jardon Vassallo: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
    Raquel Perez Veloso: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain
  • Abstract:


    For decades, the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain (GPhCS) consolidated a close relationship with the media as it is a channel to reach population.


    Traditional media - Open Pharmacy. An agreement with Radio Nacional de España has allowed the GPhCS to have a weekly short-duration radio programme that seeks to foster health


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Last update 28 September 2023

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