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FIP announces its 2024 global award winners

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Cape Town • 1 September 2024

  • Rural pharmacy initiative named as best health promotion campaign
  • Michel Buchmann awarded title of honorary president
  • Høst Madsen Medal awarded to Vinod P. Shah
  • Thirteen other pharmacy professionals recognised for excellence

Rural pharmacy initiative named as best health promotion campaign

Health education and health promotion by community pharmacists in populations of fewer than 5,000, under the banner “Rural schools of health”, has won the 2024 International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Health Promotion Campaign Award for the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain (CGCOF). The award was announced today at the opening ceremony of the 82nd World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, being held in Cape Town, South Africa.

This pharmacy initiative, led by the CGCOF and funded by Spain’s Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, was piloted in Castilla y Leon (home to 32% of Spain’s rural pharmacies) in collaboration with the region’s pharmaceutical council and provincial pharmacy chambers. 109 pharmacies were selected to take part and their pharmacists were provided with training by the CGCOF. The pharmacists provided up to five health education sessions in their municipalities, covering topics aimed at different groups of people. For example, a session aimed at older people focused on prevention of functional decline, and a session aimed at adolescents covered sexual health and prevention of smoking and alcohol misuse.

Over 9,600 people attended the education sessions. Survey results (n=7,198) indicated that 98% would attend such a pharmacist-led education session again and 99.9% said they would recommend this pharmacy service for implementation in other municipalities. “This initiative not only proved that community pharmacists are capable of delivering important health education in communities, but that they also have a valuable role in strengthening the economic, social and territorial cohesions of rural areas facing risks of depopulation. Pharmacy has a clear place in the provision of socio-health care, and especially rural pharmacies, which are an essential health infrastructure,” said Mr Jesus Aguilar, president CGOF. He added: “Saving our towns involves saving their pharmacies, the nearest, most accessible and, in some cases the single health resource; without an appointment and without waiting lists. Many other essential services have left. But the green cross of the pharmacy is still there, at the service of all citizens. We thank FIP for recognition of this important work in Spain.”

Michel Buchmann awarded title of honorary president

Swiss pharmacist Michel Buchmann was made an honorary president of FIP today. Dr Buchmann was FIP president from 2010 to 2014 and, before that, president of FIP’s Community Pharmacy Section. As FIP president, he led four successful world congresses, including the federation’s 2012 Centennial Congress which saw FIP’s first high-level stakeholder round tables and a Ministers of Health Summit in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands. “Michel Buchmann’s presidency enabled the bringing together of evolving initiatives in education under one banner, which was FIP Education, the gathering of resources needed to hold the FIP Global Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Education in Nanjing, China, in 2016, and the opening of a debate on the reform of FIP’s statutes in order to integrate FIP Education as a third structural element of FIP. During his presidential term, he oversaw the development of a Centennial Declaration by the FIP Council, highlighting strong commitment from our profession to improve global health through the development and distribution of medicines and through the provision of services that support responsible use of medicines. I am pleased that the FIP Bureau and Council have recognised his exceptional service to our federation. He joins only five others as an honorary president of FIP,” said FIP president Mr Paul Sinclair.

During Dr Buchmann’s leadership of FIP, the federation produced influential reports on remuneration models for hospital and community pharmacies, and on medicines shortages (following an international summit that brought together experts from governments, supply chain, healthcare professions, patient organisations and the World Health Organization), and it developed an oath for pharmacists that has been taken around the world.

Dr Buchmann said: “I am extremely honoured to receive this distinction and to join my illustrious predecessors from the USA [Dr Joseph Oddis], Sweden [Dr Nils-Olof Strandqvist], Germany [Dr Dieter Steinbach], Canada [Dr Kamal Midha] and Spain [Dr Carmen Peňa]. I would never have had access to this prestigious group of leaders without the unconditional support of my wife and the extreme commitment of many friends and colleagues from around the world with whom I want to share this recognition. I am thinking, in particular, of Ton Hoek, former FIP CEO, and of two very dear Swiss friends well known to our global pharmacy community, Olivier Bugnon and Dominique Jordan, who all passed away much too soon. I also want to turn my thoughts and my wishes to the younger generation of pharmacists involved in pharmaceutical science, practice or education to ask them to take up the baton and continue the work to advance and innovate, and to create a new pharmaceutical profession. From drug manufacturers to logisticians creating the networks needed for safe access to all medicines worldwide, the new generation will have to be recognised as top scientists and health professionals involved in primary care, in collaboration with the other health professionals, to ensure responsible use of medicines for the benefit of all our citizens and patients. Our federation needs their energy, skills and commitment to repeat the message given during the FIP Centennial to all the health ministers present: Please use us because we are not a problem in healthcare but we an important part of the solution. We are ready to serve!”

Høst Madsen Medal awarded to Vinod P. Shah

Vinod P. Shah (USA) was today recognised for his contributions to the field of pharmaceutical science and regulatory research and their impact on policy and practice with an award of FIP’s Høst Madsen Medal. His work includes: establishing the scientific basis for the Biopharmaceutics Classification System for immediate release solid dosage forms and developing the classification system for topical drug products; developing a dissolution methodology for sparingly water-soluble drug products using a surfactant, which has been adopted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Pharmacopeia; creating a procedure for comparing dissolution profiles by using similarity factor f2, which has been adopted globally by all regulatory agencies for dissolution profile comparison; and developing in vitro release methodology for semisolid dosage forms, now used in US FDA guidance.

Dr Shah currently works as a pharmaceutical consultant. He is a founder and chairman of the Society of Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS) International, and a past scientific secretary of FIP. During his tenure as FIP scientific secretary, he developed and delivered two strategic plans for the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences, which included the current special interest group structure that encompasses all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences.

“I am extremely honoured to be the recipient of the 2024 FIP Høst-Madsen Medal Award for pharmaceutical scientists. I want to thank FIP and all those who supported my nomination.
One of my major achievements for the US FDA and the pharmaceutical sciences worldwide has been to broaden the science base for regulatory strategies. It has also been my privilege to help advance the development and quality of medicines and therapies in developing countries and around the globe through conducting numerous workshops in the area of bioequivalence and dissolution to increase awareness and provide educational training to improve drug product quality,” Dr Shah said.

Thirteen other pharmacy professionals recognised for excellence

The FIP 2024 award ceremony, held at the opening of the 82nd World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Cape Town, South Africa, saw 13 other pharmacy professionals from 10 countries receive global awards as follows:

  • FIP Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

           Prof. Ralph J. Altiere (USA)

  • FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Education Award (mid-career education award)

           Dr Lauren Jonkman (Namibia/USA)

  • Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition Award
           Dr Shania Liu (Australia)
  • FIP Fellowships

          Dr Abdikarim Abdi (Turkey)
          Sir Anthony Akhimien (Nigeria)
          Mr Daragh Connolly (Ireland)
          Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin (Australia)
          Dr Stephen Eckel (USA)
          Dr Prosper Hiag (Cameroon)
          Ms Eiko Kobayashi (Japan)
          Dr Rajatheran (Sham) Moodley (South Africa)
          Prof. Melody Ryan (USA)
          Dr Tanniru Venkata Narayana (India)

Notes for editors

IMAGES Will be available after the opening ceremony on Sunday 1 September at:

About FIP The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global federation of national associations of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacy educators, and is in official relations with the World Health Organization. Through its 160 member organisations, it represents over four million practitioners and scientists around the world.

FIP believes it is of utmost importance to support and recognise individuals who, through their vision and commitment to their profession, are making outstanding contributions to pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences, serving as examples for others. Each year it honours those who have demonstrated commendable work and dedication in areas which parallel its overall mission of advancing pharmacy practice, science and education for the betterment of global health.

About the Health Promotion Campaign Award This award recognises a health promotion campaign developed and run by an FIP member organisation (or one of its chapters). The award is presented each year.

About the FIP Honorary President Award The FIP Council, on the proposal of the FIP Bureau, may award the title of “Honorary President” to former FIP presidents who have given exceptional service. The title bestows honorary lifelong membership to FIP.

About the Høst Madsen Medal The purpose of the award is to recognise an exceptional research-active scientist who has made significant and outstanding contributions to the diverse field of pharmaceutical sciences, and contributions which have had impact on policy and practice. The award is granted every three years.

About the Distinguished Pharmaceutical Education Award The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding mid-career educator who has made significant contributions to the field of pharmaceutical education, which have also impacted the practice of pharmacy.

About the FIP Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP The purpose of the award is to recognise officers of FIP and individual members of FIP who have rendered exceptional leadership in pharmaceutical education, science or practice and serving the mission of FIP.

About the Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition Award The purpose of the award is to recognise an educational programme or innovation that promotes excellence in learning and teaching in any discipline of pharmacy. The award is presented every three years.

About FIP Fellowships An FIP Fellowship recognises individual members of FIP who have exhibited strong leadership internationally, who have distinguished themselves in pharmacy practice or the pharmaceutical sciences, who have contributed to the advancement of the practice of pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences, and who have served FIP. FIP Fellows may use the designation “FFIP”.

About the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences FIP’s 82nd annual World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is being held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 1 to 4 September under the theme “Innovating for the future of health care”. Some 3,300 pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacy educators from 96 countries are in attendance.

Ms Laila Ghorab
Communications Coordinator
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

Last update 5 July 2018

FIP Congresses