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FIP Library

FIP makes it a priority to publish the latest developments in pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, related global news and prominent events. Our multi-media approach to keeping members, partners and peers informed of what is and will be affecting their area of practice or science is key to keeping information flowing through the FIP network.

2024 FIP Impact Database: Trends and alignment with key global health topics

This document provides an overview of the current status and trends in FIP publications and outputs and gives an update on the status of the FIP Impact Database.

2024 Leveraging pharmacy to deliver life-course vaccination: An FIP global intelligence report
2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Leveraging pharmacy to deliver life-course vaccination: An FIP global intelligence report
2018 Pharmacy Workforce Intelligence: Global Trends Report

This report describes the global capacity trends observed in the pharmaceutical workforce from 2006 to 2016, building on the FIP 2015 Global Pharmacy Workforce Intelligence Trends Report; this report features additional analysis to track global and national trends, including gender distribution and capacity growth mapped to regional variation and country-level economic indicators.

2017 Pharmacy at a glance (summary)

A publicly accessible summary of the 2015-17 detailed survey that FIP conducts every two years on the state of the pharmacy profession at the global level, giving an overview of topics ranging from the distribution of pharmacists in different sectors and access to pharmacies, to models of generic medicines dispensing/substitution and the availability of medicines online. The full report is available to FIP member organisations only.

2015 Global pharmacy workforce intelligence trends report

The first publication of its kind to provide a comprehensive baseline on the current global workforce trends, capacity building and pharmacist numbers. This is the fourth in a series of workforce reports produced every three years, and contains a trend analysis conducted with data from three previous workforce intelligence reports (2006, 2009, 2012), which covers data from 51 countries and territories.

2012 FIP Global Pharmacy Workforce report 

A comprehensive report with an overview of global pharmacy workforce and education trends in 2012. This document presents the pharmacy workforce situation in 90 countries and territories around the world, representing nearly four million pharmaceutical human resources for health. It also offers an analysis of pharmacy education, academic and training capacity, quality assurance, practitioner development approaches, leadership development, and education research. The pharmacy support workforce was also examined as part of the analysis. One chapter also presents nine case studies on pharmacy workforce planning, management, and development from 9 countries and territories.

2009 FIP Global Pharmacy Workforce report

A comprehensive report with an overview of global pharmacy workforce and education trends in 2009. This document expands on the findings of the first 2006 report to examine the workforce situation in more countries, describe significant trends which continue to face workforce development and identify pertinent challenges which must be addressed in order to ensure the equitable access and appropriate use of safe, effective and quality medicines as well as pharmaceutical services.

2009 Global Pharmacy Workforce and Migration Report

A comprehensive report with an overview of global pharmacy workforce and education trends in 2006. The FIP Global Pharmacy Workforce and Migration Study presents global data on the distribution of pharmacists according to country, gender and practice area; pharmacist shortages and country imbalances in pharmacist workforce distribution; continuing professional development and continuing education programmes for pharmacists; regulation, training and certification of pharmacy technicians; and migration of pharmacists worldwide and registration processes for foreign pharmacists.

The FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory (GPO) is a worldwide data hub to inform the advocacy work of our members and partners.  

The FIP Atlas is a platform being developed to showcase our members’ needs and priorities (supported by the data from the GPO), allowing us to identify opportunities for developing pharmacy with, for and through our member organisations.  

Latest intelligence and data on the state of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science around the world.  


Last update 28 March 2022

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