Counterfeiting. Need for GPP implementation and regulated distribution
Rx to OTC switches. Pharmaceutical companies
are seeking a broader market.
Need for increased intervention from pharmacists
to ensure patient safety and
rational use of medicines;
Increased scope of intervention.
Trends in Service
Product focus to service focus. Pharmacists in more partnership roles;
Need to evaluate pharmaceutical services and
manage its implementation.
Old services new models; Increased demand for
Automation and use of robots is being introduced in the
dispensing activities;
Possible change in role definition of technicians and
Pharmacies as an entry-point to primary care and triage
Increase in the number and type of services that can be
provided in pharmacies;
Healthcare workforce issues; governments/payers seeking
to transfer care from
secondary to primary care;
Possibility of pharmacy-based laboratory testing.
Need for more workforce and better/different skills at
pharmacies (continuing
education; change of
pharmacists curriculum);
Infrastructures needed for counselling and service
New services - Payment for products not sustainable.
Remuneration for services/fee- for-service:
- Services based on patient- specific diagnosis;
- Services based on patient-