further development of pharmacy
practice within the primary health care
sector in countries all over the world.
Strategies for CPS
1. Acting as a resource centre for pharmacy practice development
2. Advancing community pharmacy practice
3. Improving communications
Having roughly reached the end of the 5-
year term of the Strategic Plan, it is
expected that the Section reviews and
renews the document in light of new
advancements within the FIP structure, the
pharmaceutical world in general and the
community pharmacy setting in particular.
Additionally, in 2009, FIP disseminated the
document FIP Vision 2020. This strategic
document was adopted unanimously by the
FIP Council during the World Congress of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
which took place in Basel, Switzerland. Its
aim is to present the frameworks and tools
to enable FIP s Mission. The document
includes External and Internal Situational
analyses, followed by the articulation of
FIP s Vision and Mission. The strategic
objectives and approaches explain how FIP s
Vision and Mission are expected to be
effectively implemented.
Moreover, several organisations throughout
the world have worked on Strategic and
Vision documents that depict the challenges
to and opportunities for Community
Pharmacy in the coming years 2-7. The
Pharmaceutical Group of the European
Union (PGEU) is finalizing a European
Community Pharmacy Blueprint, which
reflects the desire among European
community pharmacists to advance the
pharmacy profession and community
pharmacy practice in order to meet patients
needs and current challenges in healthcare.
The Section therefore reflected on the
pertinence and need of developing its own
Vision for Community Pharmacy for the year
2020, as a guiding platform to the Strategic
Plan to be implemented in the coming years.
It should also serve as a contribution, which
builds on the FIP document Vision 2020 and
individual National Pharmaceutical
Organisation documents.
Having agreed upon and determined the
development of such document, it was
decided to include the Sections members
both individual as well as organisations in
the reflection process.
Given that the Annual Congress of FIP is by
far the largest and most important event for
pharmacists around the world, in which
hundreds of community pharmacists
participate, the Section considered it was
the right venue to put forward some themes
for discussion and debate. These themes
would be the ones to be included in the
Vision document, and its content would
reflect the conclusions reached.
Consequently, during the 90th FIP World
Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, held in Lisbon in 2010, the