3.5. Communications, Relationships, and Collaborations Despite the recent developments in
pharmacy practice and increasing service
provision by pharmacists, there still
appears to be an overall unawareness of
the potential role for community pharmacy
within the healthcare system. Satisfaction
and trust surveys are often favourable to
community pharmacists, who are highly
regarded by the public, but expectations
regarding the type and content of services
that the pharmacist can offer are often low.
This lack of knowledge is transversal to
governments, societies and individual
patients that could benefit from the added-
value services.
In addition, inter-professional collaboration
is said to be a key feature of an optimally
designed healthcare system. The benefits of
inter-professional collaboration between
community pharmacists and physicians
have been demonstrated by empirical
research, and the literature suggests that it
contributes to the avoidance of errors and
delays in workflow, improves patients
outcomes, and decreases health costs
related to ineffective and unsafe medication
use 32-36.
Interprofessional collaboration has been
advocated by the World Health Organisation
in influential policy papers, such as the
Alma-Ata declaration, and by several
professional bodies, including FIP and the
World Medical Association (WMA)37-40.
In spite of these benefits and institutional
support, inter-professional collaboration
remains limited across organisational
boundaries and various levels of care with
the literature offering limited examples of
sustained inter-professional collaboration
between community pharmacists and
physicians. Some of the most commonly
cited are pharmacotherapy consultations in
the Netherlands, quality circles in
Switzerland, Home Medicines Reviews in
Australia, and Collaborative Practice
Agreements in the United States. In most
countries, however, the physician-
pharmacist working relationship is still in a
very early stage of development.