Proposed Actions2,4,5,6,8,31
National pharmaceutical associations should share responsibility for the education of pharmacy students by being involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of
the educational programmes of the schools and faculties of pharmacy in their countries;
Ensure that the undergraduate pharmacy curricula address the knowledge, skills, competencies and values required by the patients, society and employers;
Develop undergraduate curricula that retain science at its heart but evolve to encompass clinical content that supports patient-centred healthcare;
Ensure that practice internship in community pharmacies is an essential part of pharmacy training, providing the students with the opportunity to observe the
integration of pharmaceutical care activities into community practice;
Ensure all pharmacists understand the value and necessity to embrace life-long learning as a philosophy, through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities;
Promote and increase interprofessional and intraprofessional approaches to education and training;
Encourage continued learning by all members of community pharmacy workforce; Maintain continual liaison with local universities and pharmacy schools to ensure supply
of qualified persons does not far exceed the industry's need. This is particularly
important in those jurisdictions where internships in community pharmacies is a pre-
requisite for registration to practice.