2012 FIP Centennial Declaration
CPS will seek to communicate the messages of the FIP Centennial Declaration to
our members. Improving Global health by closing gaps in the responsible use,
development and distribution of medicines will require effective partnerships, a
greater access by patients to medicines, greater pharmacovigilance, a more
responsible use of medicines, greater knowledge, more innovation, and an
adherence to ethics.
CPS will be prepared to establish projects and/or support projects in support of
the advancement of community pharmacy practice at national or regional level
and is prepared to take a leading role in the implementation of FIP and BPP
actions that relate to the role and functions of community pharmacists in the
primary health care sector.
Strategy 3: Enhancing communications
The overall goal is to enhance communications to internal and external
stakeholders ultimately supporting and recruiting members.
The business plan for the period 2012-2016 comprises the following elements:
to clarify and distribute the value, importance and projects of the section to our stakeholders;
to use Member Organisation s existing and future communication vehicles;
to use modern electronic communications in a superior and creative way;
to develop and maintain a credible and suitable homepage on the web;
to communicate effectively with members; to establish a special communication programme for members and
external stakeholders;
to validate the section by surveying members on a regular basis.
Strategy 3